Voice for Reason

December 18, 2017, 5:13 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

“Contempt is a form of violence.” Sarah Nicklin, Quaker, quoting Alison Cebulla, found at https://www.alisoncebulla.com/2017/04/contempt-form-violence/

Lotta contempt flying around these days.

Rain. Yay. Just in time to really settle in some transplanted pansies and get the bulbs awakened. Yay.

Had something stuck in my craw, and just had to spit it out. Please see below.

Hope your craw is free of sticks, crusty.

Due Process [see also ~ under law] (legal terminology)–Quaint legal concept whereby accused person’s right to meet and rebut accusers was secured by judicial systems and institutions up until the Age of Narcissism in Earth’s 21st Century, dates circa 1995-2025. This concept and procedure was efficiently and effectively replaced by mass media trials whereby lawyers became pundits instead of practitioners and the accused and accusers were left to slug it out with no rules of evidence nor a guarantee of definitive outcome. See also Kardashians, Age of Trump, Age of Narcissism. Wikkipeddia of the Milky Way–last modified 26 Aou 2348.

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Autumn, the time for anything you please
December 5, 2017, 4:50 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Except maybe beach sitting in 80-85 degree weather. I admit it; noseeums ran me off. Also known as biting midges, these little bastards would make the Pope cuss. Mosquitoes are big enough to combat with screens, etc. Biting flies, they tend to fade out in Autumn. Noseeums are around whenever the temps get above 80, and they have the kind of painful and itching bite that just sets my teeth on edge. Damn near as bad as politicians. Am sure something eats noseeums, so they serve a purpose in the foodchain. Politicians, not so sure.

Abe said it best when he said that you could fool some of the People all of the time. The terrifying thing is that we share the road with these folks; stay buckled up, please. How unhinged does someone have to be to swallow lie after lie after lie—and still keep swallowing? We shall find out if the gag reflex ever kicks in. My view is that the darkest passage is just before the dawn, and I am waiting, waiting, waiting…

Have planted the last of my Spring flower seed, cover crops, bulbs, and now waiting, waiting for Winter. We shall see how that works out. In the 70s today. Humid. Have seen toads in the past week, as well as a squished TURTLE if you can believe it. Wheat is up, but I have not given the shrubs a final pruning. Holly hedge needs work to appear fortress-like. Inside of home needs half of stuff removed and tossed away forever. Inside of my head needs thorough cleansing. Ahhhhh. Plenty of work to do.

Spent some time with my only nephew recently. It was a real pleasure. As an example of his wisdom of few words, he observed that most of what was going to the dump (we were transporting yard waste) were “yesterday’s necessities.” I feel pretty good about the next generation if they are anything like him.

Hope you are feeling good about the generations to come, and hope our legacy is brighter than is evident at present, crusty.

“Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic.” From poem “Frida Kahlo to Marty McConnell” by Marty McConnell

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