Voice for Reason

Explaining the South
November 26, 2018, 5:40 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I was recently in the position of trying to explain The South to some folks who were thankfully, gratefully ignorant of what makes The South tick. The short answer is that there is no explanation for The South, just as there is no explanation for any region or population. It all comes down to the individual. The evil that humans do to each other is done on a case by case basis, until subhumans are involved, in which case one subhuman may decide to attack or disenfranchise humans en masse, or follow orders issued by a subhuman to do the same.

I am a lifelong Southerner who has had the advantage of getting around to breathe different air and drink different waters. Racism, prejudice, willful stupidity, and behavior related to these three factors are everywhere. The South has no corner on the racism and prejudice markets, and certainly not on the stupidity market.

So, word up: Sweep before your own door first. Racists of all colors and other prejudiced assholes are being raised and groomed right now, before your very eyes. As long as you cast your eyes in only one direction, you will only see what you want to see. What you see may be simply a reflection of your own blindness. Your prejudice that I, as a Southerner, must be inherently different from you in my views, education, enlightenment, etc is simply a prejudice that you will have to overcome. I never said it was going to be easy.

The foregoing was the hard part. Please stick with me.

Cindy Hyde-Smith cannot represent me. She will never represent me. She may win the office, but her willful stupidity forever marks her as one who is not qualified to represent me. Period. But, aren’t you thankful for her unabashed blindness? Just like the KKK without hoods, it is good to know who the assholes are.

Let us all be aware of our prejudices, crusty.

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November 15, 2018, 6:42 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Average first day of frost here is 15November, and guess what we had this morning? Killing frost. End of the growing season for many of us, and the beginning for others. Turned up the water heater and turned on the heat. No one knows how bad any Winter might be, but running out of firewood is not what one wants to happen. Just sayin.

Hope you are cozy and secure, crusty.


The last cold spider.
The last cold cricket.
The last cold stink bug.
The last cold grasshopper.
The last cold wasp.
They all wave a slow good-bye.
November’s older, colder sister
Will shoulder in soon.
Wrap up.

You feed birds? U think squirrels make fun of you?

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Imagined Phone Call
November 8, 2018, 3:42 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Jeff Sessions: Hello?

Robert Mueller: Jeff, this is Bob Mueller. How are you?

JS: Finer than frog hair, you?

RM: Well, I am hoping to make it.

JS: What’s on your mind?

RM: Well, I was thinking we needed to sit down and talk a bit.

JS: Yes, I was thinking the same thing.

RM: Good, good.

JS: Before we actually sit down, why don’t I send over a pdf I have of a sworn statement that I and my lawyers have put together? It might help fill in some blanks for you and help you formulate some lines of questioning. We have stipulated to quite a few facts that might be revelatory.

RM: Jeff, that would be great. I look forward to seeing that statement and will follow up with you when we have our ducks in a row.

JS: Alrighty. I will send it to whatever slate of email addresses you send to me, and I look forward to our talk. Many thanks.

RM: Thanks, see you soon.


This fondly imagined conversation brought to you by: crusty.

A racist, a mysogynist, a con man, a four flusher, and a festering asshole walk into a bar. The barkeep says, What can I do for you Mr. Trump?

Calming down is highly over-rated:

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November 4, 2018, 4:35 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

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