Voice for Reason

Yarn stash exceeds life expectancy
August 9, 2019, 6:53 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Materially blessed, I am thinking more and more in terms of moving on in my life, and shedding many of the possessions I have acquired. Now, my junk is junk no doubt, valuable only to me, but I am scheming to see if I can get others to adopt my junk. We shall see how that goes.

Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy (STABLE) is one way of saying it, if you are a knitter (which I am not). STABLE applies to anything. Just ask the guy who lives in hurricane country about a stash of canned goods, themselves supposed to be stable, which exploded over extended absences and vulcanized themselves to kitchen shelves. Or the sundry nails, screws, and other fasteners that seemingly get stashed in the most convenient places (at the time), and then only resurface after more fasteners have been purchased because the ones needed could not be found. Ah, the other cutting edge of privilege and prosperity.

Gun laws are in the news again, and the folks who want to ban assault rifles are those who think that our well-regulated militia will never show up at their door, demanding whatever that militia might want at the time. Part of our democracy is the ability to stand up to a too-strong State. Universal background checks are a must, but disarming the public is not in the public’s best interest. Look up how many civilian guns there are in, for instance, Russia and Syria. I will leave the rest of the reasoning to you.

Speaking of the news, Mississippi just underwent yet another Jubilation T. Cornpone event when ICE agents swarmed illegal employers and swept up undocumented workers. Mark your calendars, and be sure to observe PredjudICE Day next August 7th. We could make a thing of it and really drag out all the old prejudices, dust them off, and add them to any new prejudices we have managed to acquire during the next year. With Trump in charge, you know the list will be long.

Most ironic quote of the day: “We wouldn’t want a crazy person…” Donnie “Douche Nozzle” Trump, AKA Donnie “Batshit” Trump

The nicest thing I have said about myself recently: Well, you have heard of a ne’er do well? I take pride in being a half do well.

Doing half well here, crusty.

Idaho apricots:
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