Voice for Reason

3 May, 2024 18:26
May 3, 2024, 6:26 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Well, under cover and in the wide open spaces, reverse cowgirl turtles are everywhere, and I could not be happier… Well, trumpie in prison would be pretty happy making, too. AND, saw the first Red Headed Woodpecker ever, here at my suet feeder. That makes four species of woodpeckers in my hood, which speaks of our over-mature trees and the casualties of last Summer’s drought. May this Summer be more merciful!


‘Get your nose out of my uterus, MY UTERUS, you dirty old man!’ — Any female, of any age, with any sense.

2 May, 2024 22:21
May 2, 2024, 10:21 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

BEST NEW FAKE CHARITY! trumpie and his candidacy are dead, so magafucks, pour your money into a trust charity for all the trumpie children. Why? Cuz daddy aint gonna have nuttin left. All your money, all your beliefs have turned to shit. You might as well throw the rest of your life and material goods down the same hole. Just seems that yer runnin outta choices, and yer last possible stop is reality, at last. Now THAT is gonna make some ripples.

2 May, 2024 12:48
May 2, 2024, 12:48 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I think the bees are back in the flying squirrel, treefrog, bee box. Lucky we! The bluebird nestlings are gaping at the entrance and inviting all who pass to feed them. As usual, there is one in the bunch of three that is braver, stupider, more curious than the others, and will remain exposed after the others withdraw. Hope a hawk does not visit. Please. Please!

Antisemenism — Practiced by wise women who don’t want to get pregnant.

So, there is a wagon that judges of all sorts are supposed to stay on. Apparently, some judges have fallen off that wagon, most notably, members of the inferior supreme court. You assholes. Judges. Fuck you.


‘Get your nose out of my uterus, MY UTERUS, you dirty old man!’ — Any female, of any age, with any sense.

1 May, 2024 15:07
May 1, 2024, 3:07 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

‘What should educators be doing in the face of all these campus demonstrations?’ — Some breathless tv common tater. Well, educators should be advocating for students, and educating. Not that complicated. And, a very personal note, you just don’t know how it makes my skin crawl to hear the phrase, ‘outside agitators’ again. Eeek!

‘Politicians! Too afraid or too paid!’ — Another commentator, who at least has their feet on the ground.

The Repubes must be SO proud! They have a pussy grabbing, porn star porking, coup plotting bloated weasel at the head of their Party, and given ten years, they should have figured out how to take care of the trumpie problem. And they have not! Not! We can’t trust these fucks with a mop n bucket, much less our democracy. Talking heads say that we should not call magafucks stupid. Well, would ‘slow learners’ be better? Sounds pretty fucking snowflake to me. Motherfuckers are stupid. There is no other explanation.


Oh, and: ‘Get your nose out of my uterus, MY UTERUS, you dirty old man!’ — Any female, of any age, with any sense.

30 April, 2024 12:52
April 30, 2024, 12:52 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Got questions for gov. noem: Did you eat the dog? The goat? What did you tell the family?

miz noem will never have any power over anything that will ever affect me, happily. I am just sorry that this is passing for news, but can we choose between grabbing pussies and killing puppies? We should not have to.

Repubes! Clean house!


29 April, 2024 17:31
April 29, 2024, 5:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

WHAT A WIMP! trumpie trying to make nice with pindick desantis. WHAT A FUCKING WIMP! trumpie, make up your fucking mind, if you have one remaining. Are you a genuine asshole, or are you a fake asshole? We know yer an asshole, we just don’t know what kind.

28 April, 2024 14:28
April 28, 2024, 2:28 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I am not sure I can take another Summer. ‘Course I feel this way every year…

I know without looking that WHINY MCWHINEFACE has been whining about being treated like the very rare criminal defendant that he is. You know, the kind who travels in fake motorcades and will not be jailed for contempt of court? Yes! That kind of tuffet-sitting fake charity kind of motherfucker. Yes! And now people are beginning to parse the history and assign the blame. ‘Who invited this pussy grabber to the party?’ Ooops?! We did! And now you pay. Congratulations!


28 April, 2024 01:30
April 28, 2024, 1:30 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

And what, pray Tell, befell, Today? Hell! Well… hell, well I already… hell! Well!

26 April, 2024 22:14
April 26, 2024, 10:14 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized


The kids are watching, yall.


26 April, 2024 18:54
April 26, 2024, 6:54 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Transplanted moonflowers. Wish sweat were fertilizer.

There’s a lot of silly shit goin round. Old men giving young women money, and then getting pissed when the money is spent on clothes, hair, and nails instead of paying bills. Old pussy grabbing men paying for sex, denying it, and then trying to hush up the whole thing. That’s silly, but predictable. It’s also silly to think that you can discredit everyone involved, and get away with it… multiple times. That’s silly and stupid, as is paying people to do your lying for you. Silly! Just fucking silly!

If you do all of the above to deceive the voters prior to an election, with or without the help of jim fucking comey, enter into a conspiracy to do so, falsify business and campaign records to conceal the conspiracy, send a foot soldier to jail for carrying water within the conspiracy, and still expect to get away with it all, you are silly, you are stupid, you are a fat privileged fuck from Fucksville, and YOU ARE A CRIMINAL! GET FUCKING OVER IT! If anyone STILL wants to suck your balls, including the misnomered supreme court, your silliness, stupidity, and criminality are apparently contagious!

What say we start with a nice impeachment of clarence yes massah thomas, and then move on from there? Whatcha think?